First Years preschool in Venice, CA
Curriculum at First Years preschool in Venice, CA

verything we do at First Years is part of our curriculum; the food we eat, the language we use, as well as our project explorations, daily transitions and circle times. All these are ‘teachable moments’ that create an opportunity for children to connect, absorb a system of values, build language, become problem solvers and internalize new information. Our program rests on contemporary knowledge about early childhood development and then looks to the future, helping children grow into world citizens that will protect our environment and respect the commonality to be found within diversity.

On a daily basis we move through a rhythm of structured and unstructured times. The day begins with drop offs, where each child is transitioned to a teacher. After free play the children clean and then move into circle time where we come together to talk about ideas, share information, do music and movement or take turns in playing games. In the younger group the children are dismissed for toileting or diaper changing and then wash hands in preparation for snack. The older group often eats snack on a rotating basis while the younger group eats family style. Both groups then move on to their free play/project time.